Kids Who Code: Programming with Python

Vogel Prep’s Programming Course Gives Phoenix Area Students a Competitive Edge for the Future

Long gone are the days when Phoenix area high school students just needed to maintain a high GPA and diverse set of extracurricular activities in order to gain acceptance to their choice of college. But these days, with competitive college admissions, ambitious students are going to extra lengths to differentiate themselves in an increasingly large and qualified applicant pool. Coding is one of the most exciting areas that successful Phoenix area students are taking an interest in. Proficiency in coding—computer programming—is a coveted skill, not only by colleges and universities, but by hiring managers also, as students graduate from college and enter the job market.  After all, we have a larger tech market than ever before, so Phoenix area students planning for success in college and beyond are wise to learn coding through a course such as Vogel Tutoring & Test Prep’s Programming with Python Course this summer.   

In fact, tech giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and others have been lobbying for public schools to offer computer programming courses as a standard part of their curriculum. With smart phones, computers, and the Internet so ingrained in our society, it’s no wonder that technical proficiency in these areas not only boost a Phoenix student’s admissions standing, but potentially prepare him or her for a job in one of the world’s most competitive and influential sectors.

Vogel Prep’s Programming with Python Summer Program


So, what exactly is computer programming? Coding is essentially the ability to write computer programs. Python, for instance, is a computer programming language that can be used for a wide variety of purposes and tasks. Python is utilized in the testing of processing chips—used in virtually all computers and smart phones—as well as in building and running platforms like Instagram, or even in the creation of video games. Beyond the basic ability to construct a website, learning to code with Python also allows students to grow technical ability, creative problem solving skills, and imagination. As billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates puts it, “Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.”

One particular benefit of learning Python, compared to other programming languages, is that it blends straightforward, easy-to-understand syntax with high-performing principles. In other words, it’s easy to get the hang of, but it can be used to build and complete complex computing tasks. Indeed, the beauty of learning to code is threefold: it has professional utility, makes for an impressive résumé line, and can be enjoyed as a hobby no matter what your other interests may be.

Computer Coding Courses at Vogel Prep in Scottsdale

Like learning any new skill, sometimes the best results come through small classes or one-on-one tutoring. At Vogel Prep, we offer a variety of options when it comes to tutoring, whether you’re preparing for the SAT, ACT, Sat Subject Tests, AP Exams, or are interested in developing new skills like computer programming with Python. In fact, in just a few weeks Our Programming with Python course of the summer begins in the Scottsdale, with an additional course offered in July.  Our 10-hour course is just two hours per day Monday through Friday, and serves as an incredible introduction to the skill of computer programming, and will serve as an incredible basis from which a greater knowledge of the intricacies of coding can be built. 

To register for Vogel Prep’s Programming with Python Summer Course, contact us today, to give your Phoenix area student a competitive advantage in computer skills for next fall. 

Vogel Prep offers private tutoring and small group classes for students in Phoenix’s East Valley including those from Scottsdale, Arcadia, Paradise Valley and Fountain Hills, Cave Creek or Phoenix who are looking to elevate their scores on exams including the SAT Subject Tests. With our conveniently located tutoring center at 13951 N Scottsdale Rd in Scottsdale, Vogel Prep also provides academic advising services to students and their families. Visit, call 480-990-7347 or email