Foundational Skills

Why You Should Study Algebra

Why You Should Study Algebra

At a time when our society is talking about self-driving cars, phones that use facial or voice recognition and students spending endless hours playing games with friends on the internet, we find that some students are not motivated enough to struggle with algebra.  So, we have come up with some reasons why your students should embrace the study of algebra:

Why Should We Learn Algebra? Practical examples during Covid

Why Should We Learn Algebra?  Practical examples during Covid

At a time when our society is talking about self-driving cars, phones that use facial or voice recognition and students spending endless hours playing games with friends on the internet, we find that some students are not motivated enough to struggle with algebra.  So, we have come up with some reasons why your students should embrace the study of algebra:

Being a Good Test-Taker is a Lifelong Skill

Being a Good Test-Taker is a Lifelong Skill

When students learn to become better test-takers, they develop positive habits that last a lifetime. One-on-one tutoring and small group classes can provide students with strategies to approach exams both methodically and successfully. The skills described here may serve your students in the world outside the classroom.